Sunday, December 21, 2008

Cowboys From Hell

Row Fatboy Row! (Me Red Arrow)

Me, Sucking Wind, in the corner.

Today was my first Crossfit "Class" with the other athletes. I was a little nervous being a beginner and all, but once we finished the introductions and got going on the session, that feeling quickly faded. Pantera's: "Cowboys from Hell" was blaring in the background during the first two rounds which helped a little in pushing hard.

Everyone was really cool, and they all assured me there was no presure. -They wouldn't make fun of me too much.

Warm Up:
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Push Up
Slam Ball

Wall Climbers
Dive Bombers

5 Wall Climbers
10 Dive Bombers
500m Row
AMRAP in 20 minutes (as many rounds as possible)

My total: 4.5 Rounds which only 4 Rounds count

50 med ball situps w/partner (see me in blue below)


  1. Nick, you're becoming a resource. I picked up the agave sweetner. Yum, yum. I'll blog about it after I finish this cup of tea. You're looking strong in your class. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Mr J,
    I help people where I can.
    I really like the stuff too.
    Not sure if you have a Sam's Club where your at, but I found it there yesterday as well in a bigger bottle.
    Trader Joes is hard to beat though.

    Try it on Pancakes the next time you get a chance. A little bit goes a long way.

  3. I'm a big huge ridiculous insane Pantera fan. Nice post title. :) Keep up the hard work man, you're looking strong.

  4. Thanks Luc.
    I am a huge Pantera fan as well.

  5. looks tough but satisfying. Is crossfit an everyday thing? aren't you wiped out from the day before?

  6. Hey Darrell. Crossfit is an everyday thing if you want it to be. I'll probably be going about 3-4 times per week on top on hitting the mileage.
    I will gauge everything based off this.
    I started Crossfit for a reason: To get fit for 2009.
    I will be smart about it and not over train.
