Saturday, December 27, 2008

Dead Tired

In the past 3 hours I managed to get a sick, sick Crossfit workout in and a 10 mile Bike Ride.

The last couple of days have been disappointing in terms of trying to get a workout in. With Christmas, and a small project that needed to be completed before Christmas. I just had no time to put into anything.
Well, I am hopefully back at it and in a groove.
I'm planning a run with Pink Panther tomorrow.....Stay Tuned with this one.

I redeemed myself today with a Crossfit workout called the Filthy 50. I did this workout a while back and thought I was going to die. I think my time was around 50 minutes. I'll have to look back and see.
My time today was 26:02. Most people in the class had great times. One guy got around 14 minutes which is awesome.
I came home and decided the weather was too great to not do something outside so I went on a Bike Ride. I didn't care how many miles I got in.
I ended up with 10.02 for 47:07.

Crossfit WOD: Filthy 50...time: 26:02......(See my other blog)
Bike Ride: 10 miles...time: 47:07