Monday, December 15, 2008

First Day of Crossfit. It was mainly an introduction plus a workout. Please see my new blog:

I'm resting my foot as it seems I've had another little setback. I stopped PT because I think they were causing more problems than helping.
My foot had been feeling fine, but they started having me do stupid things that eventually caused more pain in my foot.

They had me doing Suicides, and cutting back and forth for what? Seemed rediculous to jepordize my foot and it's healing process.

If I am not better in a week or two,my doctors beleives I'll be looking at an MRI and possibly surgery.
I'm having a lot of inflamation in my forefoot too. That nerve is so inflammed right now.

I'm taking donations of Celbrex. : )

I'll check back in a few days for an update.
Anyway, I'm going to take it easy and just start back over and keep plugging away at it.

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