Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Elements Day 2

Warm up:

20 Squats
20 KB Swings
20 Pushups


10 Wallballs
7 Deadlifts
250m Row
12 minutes -As many rounds as possible.
I ended up with 4 full Rounds.

Today was another day of Elements at Rogue. As expected, I was sore as can be from Monday's workout. It wasn't so much the leg/back aspect of the workout, it was my chest and triceps from the pushups. That just tells you how weak I am with my upper body.
I guess it is a good thing my lower body wasn't sore, as I have always worked that area more than the upper.
The skills part of the workout was more difficult than I would have thought. I've never done Cleans before, and if you over think the proper way to do this, then it can be a little more difficult.
At any rate, I had a little difficulty in "racking" the bar onto my shoulders. Seems to be a flexibility issue.

Needless to say after the WOD I was about dead. Today was a success since my lungs are now raw.

I picked up a copy of The Paleo Diet For Athletes. I will report on this later once I have read through it more.


  1. Your tale is the tale of hundreds before you. I am going to take the Paleo course in January to learn how to better handle my new eating plan. Wishing you the best, Nick.

  2. Thanks J. I hope the Paleo and Crossfit will boost my fitness level beyond measure.

    Sometimes I think I ramble too much on my other blog, and decided it was being too saturated with Crossfit stuff.
    We'll see how it works out.
