Friday, December 19, 2008

Quack Quack

I picked up some Duck Tape or Duct Tape, which ever you want to call it. Earlier in the night I had stopped at a Sports Store to pick up some athletic tape for my foot.

If you haven't bought athletic tape before, the price alone is enough to shock you. Maybe it's me, but this stuff just seems really expensive. I ended up buying a six pack (too bad it wasn't Sam Adams) of tape at the hefty price of $16.00 which included tax.

One roll of this stuff will last me for three tapings.
So, back to the Duck Tape, which is what I am calling it, becasue that's what it says on the package!

I was looking online for some tips to taping, and ran across a website: Happy Feet "Taping for your Feet" which talks about using Duct Tape as an alternative to athletic tape. It warns about irritation from the adhesive.

I think I paid $2.49 for 20 yards of Duck Tape. If I split that roll in half, well you get the idea that I will double my roll.

I told myself that the Red Duck Tape has healing powers and will make me run faster.

Anyway, I taped up my foot with athletic tape and headed to the gym for a quick test to see how my foot would hold up on the treadmill. To my surprise, it felt really stable, and I had no pain.

Tomorrow, I'm gonna tape it up with DUCK TAPE, and see how well it holds up.

BTW, I used to be in Sports Medicine back in the day in my early college years, and plus you can get any instructional footage off of You Tube. All this taping came back to me in a flash.

In my search for Duck Tape (Duct Tape) pictures and other information I ran across these sites and pictures. Check out the dude with Duck Tape underwear on the Uses for Duck Tape blog.

I'll set up some pictures tomorrow of my tape job and let you see my handy work.

Crossfit WOD: See other blog
Run: 1 mile easy


  1. much fun can be had with duct(k) tape.

  2. Athletic tape got so expensive I stopped buying it for cross country and track teams. I steal several boxes from the football storage area instead.
