Saturday, December 27, 2008

Filthy 50

I was a little suspicious of our Skills session and what was to come for the WOD.

Today, the instructor "J" was bound and determined to kill us:

The final times were phenomenal (to me anyway). I think one guy finished in something like a little over 14 minutes.
My final time surprised me as I remember when I first did the Filthy 50 my time was like 47 minutes or so. (I'll have to look back and see for sure).

I had a little trouble doing some of the moves because when I come down on the ball of my foot, I had searing pain shooting throughout my foot. I had to a little modification, but the exercise was still effective. I ended up doing 100 jump ropes with one foot. When I did the jumping pull-ups, I landed on one foot, etc. You get the idea.

Anyway, my total time for Filthy 50 was: 26:04

Warm up:
30 Squats
30 Push-ups
100 F-Kicks

Skills: Squats
Abmat sit-ups
Box Jumps
Double unders
KB Swings
Push Press w/dumbells
K2E (Knees 2 Elbows)

Filthy 50:
50 Squats
50 Pull-ups
50 Push-ups
50 Abmat sit-ups
50 Box Jumps
50 Double unders
50 KB Swings
50 Push Press w/dumbells
50K2E (Knees 2 Elbows)

50 Wall Balls

Time: 26:04
To be honest, I nearly threw up on the way home.


  1. That was smoking time! My first time was 42:09, pretty pathetic. I am so impressed that you made such huge improvements. How long between your first and your 2nd Filthy 50?

  2. I love the F50 one of my faves.

  3. Pretty sweet time for the filthy 50! It's a great workout.

  4. Thanks guys.
    I didn't think I was going to be able to do "one more" of any of the moves, and then I just dug deep and pushed through.
