Sunday, December 21, 2008

Cowboys From Hell

Row Fatboy Row! (Me Red Arrow)

Me, Sucking Wind, in the corner.

Today was my first Crossfit "Class" with the other athletes. I was a little nervous being a beginner and all, but once we finished the introductions and got going on the session, that feeling quickly faded. Pantera's: "Cowboys from Hell" was blaring in the background during the first two rounds which helped a little in pushing hard.

Everyone was really cool, and they all assured me there was no presure. -They wouldn't make fun of me too much.

Warm Up:
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Push Up
Slam Ball

Wall Climbers
Dive Bombers

5 Wall Climbers
10 Dive Bombers
500m Row
AMRAP in 20 minutes (as many rounds as possible)

My total: 4.5 Rounds which only 4 Rounds count

50 med ball situps w/partner (see me in blue below)


  1. Nick, you're becoming a resource. I picked up the agave sweetner. Yum, yum. I'll blog about it after I finish this cup of tea. You're looking strong in your class. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Mr J,
    I help people where I can.
    I really like the stuff too.
    Not sure if you have a Sam's Club where your at, but I found it there yesterday as well in a bigger bottle.
    Trader Joes is hard to beat though.

    Try it on Pancakes the next time you get a chance. A little bit goes a long way.

  3. I'm a big huge ridiculous insane Pantera fan. Nice post title. :) Keep up the hard work man, you're looking strong.

  4. Thanks Luc.
    I am a huge Pantera fan as well.

  5. looks tough but satisfying. Is crossfit an everyday thing? aren't you wiped out from the day before?
