Monday, December 15, 2008

First Day of Crossfit a success. Meaning, I'm not dead.

I arrived this morning kinda nervous not really knowing what to expect. Once we started, all that quickly went away.
My introduction was very much hands on and straight forward. The instructor went over the Crossfit workout of the day process, and how they incorporate their own spin on the workouts.

He told me that 3-4 days per week at what they prescribe would be all that I needed.
Since I am a runner, I wouldn't want to Crossfit everyday. At least I don't think I will.

Safety was a major conversation point during the introduction as it should be.
The emphasis was on doing the excersises correct, and not trying to keep up with someone else whom you may not be able to keep up with to begin with.

Once all that was out of the way, we started on a simple Tabata workout. Below is what we did.
I was laughing so hard at one point because it showed how out of shape I was. I was doing the last part, which was pushups, and I got half way through the pushups, and couldn't do anymore.
He then told me to go to the modified ones. I am glad I did this because I got more out of the workout than trying to play tough guy and do them the wrong way.

One thing I got a reality check on were the Kettlebell swings.
They do them the Russian Style, which emphasizes trying not to bend at the knees too much and producing more thrust forward by poping the hips on the extension.
I found this slightly more difficult to do, and have a little work to do to break my bad habits.

3/4 Tabata: 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 6 rounds

Kettlebell Swings


  1. I am worried about the no bending knees KB swings. I always bend my knees slightly and flex my hips at the top. I am afraid I'll hurt my back the other way. I'll ask next time I am at the gym.

  2. Your new workout scares me... not really but you are going to be super fit for sure!
