Sunday, November 30, 2008

Raining hard here all day kept me inside

I think I am learning a thing or two about staying indoors when it is cold and rainy. I don't need to be sick, and neither does anyone else that comes around me.
I was planning a "long run" today by my injury standards, but the rain just kept on coming down.
Off to the gym I went and I ran 3 miles on the treadmill. After that I hit the legs hard, followed by some BOSU ball squats. I am definitely getting stronger as my legs aren't wobbling like they used to.

My new shoes: Nike Lunar Trainers were freakin awesome during my run. No wonder these were nearly sold out everywhere, even online until the first part of December.
I got lucky with mine by buying a pair of size 13's.
I will do a shoe review after a few miles and throughout their lifetime.

3 miles treadmill
Leg workout: Leg press, leg curls, calf raises.


  1. We had nasty cold rain here all weekend. No trails :(

    Today we had 18mph winds and it is freaking cold out. Can you hear me crying?

  2. Was that you I heard crying....or was that me?

    This cold rain has turned to half rain, half snow. -Very nice weather.

  3. Sissy! :) j/k

    I got in ~11 miles that night out in the cold rain under the street lights. Once I got 2 miles into it, I was fine. However, getting started really sucked. And, yeah, my shoes are still wet. hehe

    Keep it up!

  4. Luc,
    I learned long ago, if it is rainy, windy and miserable out to stay in and not get sick.

    Your right it though. When I do venture out in miserable weather, it is so hard to get started.
