Saturday, November 15, 2008

Took my bike out this morning for it's first ride, only to find it pouring down rain.
I went anyway, and rode a quick loop around the 'Hood.

I'll tell you, this bike is fast. According to my Garmin, I maxed out at about 19 mph, and that wasn't on a downhill.
Actually, I wasn't even trying.
Now, maybe some of you may laugh, but I could never acheive this on my MTB even on a decent downhill.

By time I got back which was less than 6:00 minutes, I put in 1.37 miles, and my chest felt like it was bleeding. Now, this is what I was in need of.
I stopped because the rain was relentless, and I was soaked from head to toe.

Foot update:
My foot where I injured it, is doing a lot better. For some reason, I've developed Morton's Neuroma on the same foot. My P.T. unofficially diagnosed this.
I think it is from not wearing a shoe for the past few weeks, and now all of a sudden it's getting irritated from new shoes.
If, you've never had it, just hope you never get it. It hurts nearly as bad as my injury did at it's worst point.
Apparently, it is a highly irritated nerve in your foot that is caused from flat feet. I can tell you, I don't have flat feet. I just think it is from this damn walker boot I have been wearing.


  1. I see you're not wasting any time breaking in your new bike. Glad it wasn't snowing today!

  2. Tom, This cycling stuff is going to be cool...and expensive.

  3. The bike ride sounds like fun, even with the rain.

    So what do you do about the nueroma? I've heard of it, but have no idea what the treatment is.

  4. Darrell:
    The best treatments for Morton’s Neuroma are to ice, take anti-inflammatory meds, and stay off of it. No compression since I believe this is what caused it.
    You can also, use an Orthotic as well, which an over the counter one will do the job.
    So far it is helping.
