Thursday, March 20, 2008

Update on my pup

I know this has nothing to do with running, but my favorite running buddy of all time is back at home safe and sound. He's actually doing better than I am.
I went and picked him up today at OSU, and he was so excited to get the hell out of there. They have him on some good drugs to ease the pain.

If you don't know, he had a total hip replacement (THR) on his left hip.
OSU did a THR on his right leg 2 years ago when he was a 1 year old.

He's now full of Titanium, which to my totals of all vet bills now makes him a $10,000 dog.


  1. Yay! Glad everything went well for the pup!

  2. awe i'm glad everything worked out :)

  3. Great news, I am sur he'll be nipping at your heels on the trail soon enough

  4. Thanks SLB. I have a lot of plans this fall to get him back out there and train for his first 5k in the spring of 09.
    It's a 5k fun run with your dog.

  5. Hi there!
    I run a PR/Marketing company that represents BioMedtrix, the company that engineered your dog's hip implant. I am interested in following the story of your dog's recovery and future training. Take pictures - we are looking to eventually submit to magazine.

  6. Your dog and my daughters cat should hang out. I have a $1,000 cat. Tough to turn a blind eye when your daughter wants the cat all better.

  7. Rob it is really tough especially if you have a child who has an attachment to an animal.
    If I cashed in on all my animals' vet bills, I could probably get a good start on retirement.
