Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Could I be related to Fred Sanford?

This is a question I sometimes ponder when I find treasures in the trash on someone’s curb.
I went out for a middle of the week medium long run today. As I was winding my way through the 'hood, I stumble upon the massive heap of garbage that had been set out for the trash.

Since I am as slow as a box turtle, it gives me more than ample time to scan over the heap for "treasures".
Sure enough, I fine an exercise bike. It had been taken apart and left for the landfill.
Since I am poor and would never pass up free stuff, I decided I would swing back by after my run and load it up.

Holy crap, I just found that bike on a website and the price they are asking is $2,399.00.
It is a Bodyguard Organic V.

Since it was sitting outside, I will wait a couple of days and let the electronics dry out. -Not that it was wet or anything, but just want to make sure. The people that was throwing it out looked like they were moving. So, who knows it might work.

My wife claims we are selling it if it works. -Sure.

People around here throw out a lot of stuff that has nothing wrong with it all the time. I am guilty of that too.

Now for the run: Today's route on Map My Run

I think I started out way too fast as I checked my Garmin at the 1 mile mark and I was running a 7:35 pace. Not good. I tried so hard to slow down, but it was too late. I was already maxed out on my heart monitor and I was exhausted.

If you look at my run from yesterday, I ran a 9:32 pace 5 miler. I felt great the entire time.
I know I am slow, but hey it allows me to view the view a lot longer. : )
This run had me walking a lot but I was able to make it back with no problems.

Below is a picture I took near the high school. There were a lot of Canada Geese out in this field.

They were all the same usual colors except this one:

Totals: 8 miles....Time: 1:23:54.....Pace:10:29 Had to walk a lot as I had a high heart rate the whole time. Kinda bummed me out.

After run shot of me and my buddy:


  1. Holy crap...can it that grass that I see poking through the snow, whatever next a thaw!!!

    Luck find on the bike, you are so not keeping it...yeah right! ;-)

  2. I think it is grass. WhoooHooo!

    I just plugged the bike in and the damn thing works!

    My wife is trying to throw a guilt trip on me. I am soooo keeping it.

  3. Man, that was a nice find on the bike!

  4. hi! thank you guys so much for the scone! i needed a little pick me up :)

    aren't they wonderful? did your wife like it too? you will both, find yourself like me, having to set a weekly limit on those things!

    thank you again!!!
    see you friday ( it might be a snowy prediction run...) all the more fun.

  5. Josh,
    It was a great find.
    I cannot believe it works without any far.

    Liz, my wife really did like the scone.
    We have been really disappointed the past few times we went in there and there were no Rice Crispy treats. The scone made up for it though.
