Sunday, March 16, 2008

34 Miles today to Celebrate something......

I am just not sure what though. Is it the 34th of March? No. Do I have $34.00 in my pocket. No. (My wife keps all my money)

What ever. I cannot remember. Maybe it's becasue I am getting too old. -Who knows.

Anyway, I started out this morning on the bike for a 2 mile warm up. I then started out from my house around 6:20AM and ran 10 miles up and over Mt. Pickerington for an out and back.

Here is a picture after my second summit ontop of Mt. Pickerington.

After I got back from that, I woke my wife up and made her go with me to the Muddy Feet trail race up at Alum Creek.

The race was extremely muddy first of all. I bet I ended up burning double the calories that I normally would have running 8 miles. For some reason their website is wrong. It says 6.7 miles but it was 8 miles. Anyways, I finished in 1:17:52. For it being as muddy as it was, that wasn't too bad at all.

I would venture as far as saying it was miserable. I walked a lot during the race. It was shoe sucking mud, and no shortage of it either.

Here is a picture of me at the start. Can you tell that I am cold? I was so cold I put my race shirt on. That's a No, No.

When I got back, I took my 3rd shower for the day, and hopped on the bike again for 14 miles. I'm tired to put it short. I am gonna go grab a pup and take a nap for a couple of hours.

Totals: Run (Accumulative): 18 Miles........2:55:02.............9:43 Pace
.............Bike: (Accumulative): 16 miles

Break down:

Bike: 2 Miles

Morning run: 10 Miles: 1:37:20

Trail race: 8 Miles: 1:17:52

Bike: 14 Miles


  1. happy birthday! and good job at the muddy feet run, at least they pulled out all the mud for ya :)

    enjoy the rest of your day

  2. Happy Birthday, what a great way to celebrate it.

    You do look a bit chilly in that picture, was it 34 degrees?


  3. You know SLB,
    I think it may have been 34 degrees.

    Actually it was a little warmer than that. Maybe in the low 40's.
    Thanks BTW.
    It was cold until I got started and then after that I was fine.

    Thanks Liz,
    I think I cleared all the mud out for others that were behind me.
    It was a bummer to see people in front and back of me chicken out and decided to cut the course. I saw a lot of people doing it.

    My wife is taking me to Brio Tuscan Grill tonight. -Can't wait.

  4. That was a great training day! Way to run a great pace on the trails!

  5. Man, I can't think of a better way to spend a Birthday!

  6. Josh, Rob,
    It was a great day. I couldn't have wanted to spend it any other way. -Well, okay, running on the sandy beaches of Hawaii maybe.

    I think I over-worked every single muscle strand in my legs from that trail race. If I hurt now, I can only imagine two days from now.

  7. Happy belated birthday Nick!

    What a great way to spend your birthday!

  8. Thanks Kim. It was a great day.
    So exhausting. Very much how every Birthday should be!
    I refueled with a big Chocolate cake my wife baked me.
