Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Mt. Pickerington Loop

Okay, Mt Pickerington doesn't look exactly like this, actually, its not called Mt. Pickerington that's just what I call it. Yes, my photo blending skills do suck. Get over it.

I went out for an 8-10 mile run tonight as planned. I decided to take the rural route tonight.

This house about burned my retinas out from the bright blue as I went by:

See Map My Run website for the route:

View Interactive Map on

I really like this loop because there is not much traffic, and it makes for a real quiet run.
Here is a view from atop of Mt. Pickerington as the sun was setting for the day:

I like running down from this hill as it is a nice point to relax and recoup after the climb up.

As I was running down the hill in the second picture above, I heard off behind me the sound of a jet roaring. I didn't think much of it as Rickenbacker A.F.B. is nearby. I then heard a strange sound like a jet engine had just increased it's throttle. I look back and it had just got done refueling a fighter jet . The Jet, which appeared to be an F-16, banked off and headed south. The jet was gone before I could switch my camera on. I was able to get a picture of the Tanker with its boom down. This was really cool: I think it is a Boy Tanker. What do you think?

The run up to this point and beyond went really well. I had only stopped long enough to take some pictures.
As I headed back into town, I saw a speed limit sign and knew I had better slow down or face the consequences:

Totals: 10 miles......Time: 1:37:32.....9:45 Pace

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I bet that was cool to see the plane fueling in midair! I didn't know there were mountains so big in central Ohio!
