Thursday, October 2, 2008

Turning Pansy or What?

I am not sure if it is pre-winter blues setting in or what. I simply hate the damn cold.
Seeing how it is Ohio, we may have temps in the high 80's tomorrow even though it is 56 degrees right now. That's just how it rolls around here, and it would be just fine by me.

I knew I wanted to go for a run tonight, but I dreaded going out into the "cold". Now, I know what you are thinking, what the hell am I going to do when it turns 10, 20 or maybe (gasp) 0 degrees? Not sure. I hope I acclimate to the cold. I got a lot of training to do.

Suck it up Dude!

Anyway, enough of the bitchin.
I decided to open my garage door and pull my treadmill close to the opening and run a little bit and just get a feel of the "cold".
Now, it's embarrassing enough to tell you that I think it's "cold", but if I can possibly redeem myself by telling you that once I got going, I wanted to rip my long sleeve shirt off because I got a little warm...does that help redeem myself?

After I got done, I came in a grabbed a bowl of my famous Sam Adams Octoberfest Beer Chili
and kicked back to write this boring-assed Blog entry. Not that anyone is reading anyway.
I start my on-call rotation tomorrow, so it may be more of the treadmill for the next week or so.

Totals: 5 miles...treadmill
HR data not available.


  1. A bowl of warm chili after a run sounds perfect.

    It's gonna be a long winter...

  2. Darrell, it especially is good when it has beer in it.

    I feel I should be living in the South in the winter month's.
    Seems the older I get the harder it is to acclimate.

  3. I guess it got much colder in the Columbus area than it got up here in Mohican Country. I ran last night and it was a balmy 48 degrees. Even with a short sleeve shirt on I felt over heated in my run. I too don't like the -10 to 20 degree temperatures and hopefully they stay away.

  4. I dunno I would sooner be cold than hot but chilli is always good!

  5. Alright, I would agree with you a way.
    I remember back when 55 degrees was too hot for running. I liked it really cold.
    For some reason, it has made me want to head south or out west to warmer weather.

  6. Shut your mouth about not looking forward to the cold. I have been roasting all summer in this heat and I am excited about the temp changes!!

    As for the chili... Sam Adams Octoberfest is some GOOOD stuff!


  7. Dude. You are tougher than this.

  8. Robin, you are right. I need to look forward to every run no matter how cold or hot it gets.

    I'm gonna start my Sam Adams Octoberfest stockpiling soon.

    If you say it, then it must be true. I can hack the cold. we've ran in colder for sure.
