Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Another 5 miles tonight. Then came home to walk the pups.
The night before I went out and ran my first 5 miles in the Pose Method.

I could really feel a difference when running in Pose versus the run I did tonight which was my normal way of running. I really felt that the run last night was more relaxed and the effort was reduced and my pace was a little faster for this route.
There is always this debate on whether or not you should fool with your natural running style. I for one say, if it works for you, then do it.

Back when I was training for my 3rd and 4th marathon, I found myself constantly nursing injuries from running high mileage. After analyzing many pictures of me while running, you can clearly see that I strike heel first.
Take a look at that picture above with me running on the beach. Look at the picture at the bottom of this blog with me running with my dog.
What do you see? Heel Strike!
I noticed last night while running, that my hips did not hurt at all, and that nagging inner thigh pain was gone as well.

Now, I have not mastered Pose yet, and that will take some time to do. I bought the Pose Method book and have been reading through it. There is a lot involved in converting over to this style, but seems to me the effort is warranted.

Pose is the running form of choice for Crossfit, so it's gotta be good right? RIGHT!
My calves are more sore, and the arches of my feet are sore today, but my quads and back were not.

Totals: 5 miles....road
Max HR: 182
Ave HR: 171


  1. The Pose method sounds interesting, although I have problems trying to visualize the running method.

    Your dogs' coats look so healthy!

  2. Changing running styles can be difficult. Congrats on giving it a try.

  3. You can alsways teach an old dog new tricks!
