Monday, October 27, 2008

Back at it. Ultra training begins. -Somewhat.

Foot feels a lot better. I'm probably at 60% right now. I've been really bored this past week, which has felt like three weeks.
I got the word today from my P.T. that I could start walking on my foot only with the cast on.

The P.T. workout went well. The stuff they had me do seemed to loosen up my ankle a lot.
I took that news they gave me and ran with it. Well, not really "ran", but I decided to head to the gym for an upper body workout. I started out on the hand cycle and did a mile. Actually, I became bored. Then it was off to do some abs, arm curls, and then upper/lower back.

This will probably be the routine for a little while until they release me to do some running.
I will probably sneak into the pool for some water running and laps.

I've been taking ice filled Dixie Cups, and massaging my foot/ankle. This is a really intense way of icing and I think it has helped tremendously.

This was the workout to kick off my 2009 Ultra endeavors.


  1. Wow! I just read your review of the Cols. Marathon. What a bummer about your foot! Good luck w/ your ultra training.

  2. Sounds like the foot is coming along.

    I just looked at your marathon pics. It looks like you ran through some great old neighorhoods. It was fun to watch the day get brighter and brighter.

  3. Oh yeah, the old dixie cup ice massage. My PT always recommends them too! Hope the rehab continues to go well.

  4. yes.... 2009 here you come.

    Dixie cups rock! nice little secrect to know and share.
