Monday, October 13, 2008

OK Yall, I am running The Columbus Marathon this coming Sunday. It's gonna be slow, gonna be painful, but I will finish.

This race for me will server one purpose: To Finish.
I'm not worried about time, although I think it will be between 4:00 -4:30 time wise. I am slow as dirt. You would be too if you were 200 pounds. Although I have seen some heft flying down the trails before so go figure.
I just need that experience to rekindle what I had found 5 years ago.

It was just that 5 years ago, my friend asked me if I wanted to run The Columbus Marathon with her. I said no way; I have at most run 5k's and 5 mile races. She asked me what my longest distance was and I said 12 miles. She then looked at me and said, if you can run 17 miles, you can finish a Marathon.
So, that night, like a dumbass, I went to the gym with that goal in mind: "gotta get 17 miles in", picked out a treadmill, laid all my Gatorade, gels, and everything else I would need, and started running. I watched TV the whole time. The treadmills would only go up to a certain distance and shut down. I'd then restart it and back on my way down the treadbelt.
About 15 miles in, I noticed that burning sensation in my nipples, then I looked in the mirror and noticed a reddish streak running from my chest. My damn nipples were bleeding and killing me. Stupid cotton shirts. I was about 1/4 mile away from achieving 17 miles when they told me the gym was closing. WTF? Time flew by, and I told them, please let me finish this out. Sure enough, I did. I don't recall my time, but I did it.
Two days later I had a 5 gallon bucket of ice water soaking my legs 10 minutes on 10 minutes off -all because of shin splints. After that, I never had them again.

You would think tapering for a race would be easy. I am friggin about to go nuts.
I refrained from running on Sunday, although I was going to run a 5 k. I woke up late and that race never happened.

I might go out for a quick 3 mile run tomorrow.


  1. You have put in the training, so think positive. You'll do great!

  2. When are you guys ever going to learn about your nipples??

    Make sure you have that take care of for the race this weekend.

    Longest run on the treadmill was 18 miles last summer. Hope to NEVER have to do that again.

    You are NUTS...but GREAT JOB!!!!!

    So are you tapering?? LOL!!!

  3. You are the man for making it 17 on the 'mill. I can't stand it for longer than 3 or 4.

    Have a great time at Columbus. Personally I don't think 4:00 to 4:30 is exactly slow as dirt. Sounds pretty respectable to me.

  4. I ran my first marathon only a few weeks ago. It was the hardest thing I've ever done. No matter how fast or slow someone goes I think they probably go through the same things. Don't start too hard, and be prepared to suffer. Ignore the people who are walking late in the race...push through the pain, because it will pass. You will feel amazing when you cross the finish line.

  5. Love Robin's comment...things you never thought you would say!

    Good luck and don't forget the lube!
