Saturday, October 18, 2008

A little late I know, my apologies to the sponsors and to the host of the Worth the Weight Challenge.
Special Thanks to: SLB, Dirty Girl Gaiters, Wicked Fast (Recover-Ease) , Head Sweats.
I finally fulfilled my requirements of posting a picture of the swag I won from the Worth the Weight Challenge that SLB had put on back in August-September. I ended up placing 3rd place in the challenge, which I am proud of because I sacrifice a lot while on vacation, plus I have kept the weight off. -Somewhat.

I absolutely love each prize I received. The recover-ease, well, I speak of it any chance I get. This stuff works. The HeadSweats hat which is perfect for me since it says on the front: "A Snail's Pace" and on the back it says: "U Trail a Snail". This hat says it all since I am a snail anyway. Also, if you have not tried the hats, go out and buy one. They really wick away the sweat. I've used all but the Dirty Girl Gaiters since I have not been running trail at all, but I will soon enough.

I’ll be using the Head Sweats hat during the Marathon and the Recover-Ease after.
I know it's hard to see, but my Recover-Ease bottle is by my pup, and my Dirty Girls are on my feet, and my HeadSweats hat on my head.


  1. It is ABOUT TIME!!!!! Sp you are not mailing me your stuff??

    Can't wait to see your metal BLING from your marathon this weekend. More pictures please.

    BTW - what a beautiful dog!!
