Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Last night of On-Call duties till December.

Thank goodness too cause this 5 mile running is for the birds. Actually, since my marathon is next week, I should be tapering anyway.
One good thing I have noticed is that my times are steadily decreasing regardless of the route.
Another thing I've noticed as well is that when I wake up in the afternoon (I work 3rd shift) I simply cannot wait to go out for a run. I hope this trend continues.
Choosing this marathon I'm running next week was no happy accident. I knew by having something to train for would allow me to get back into that "groove" I once had.
Training smart, proper nutrition and allowing for adequate recovery (Recover-Ease) is crucial.

I haven't had the opportunities to take many good pictures since I have been running through my 'hood, and well, there is nothing interesting about that. I was able to snap a photo of my shadow while running. Kinda looks like I have a dress on, but I can assure you that I didn't.

I'm planning on going camping this Saturday and possibly running a 5k on Sunday. Won't be much to report until then. Everyone have a great weekend.

Totals: 5 miles.....Road....9:08 pace (moderate)
Ave HR: 170
Max HR: 184


  1. Nick,

    Great job! I am in jeopardy for the 5k. (Sick) Keep on running!

  2. Rob, don't sweat the 5k. I've been tossing around the idea as well.
    I am not sure if my wife is going with me camping at Mohican. If she doesn't, I won't have any one to watch my dog while I am running it anyway.

    Get better.

  3. Have I not been paying attention? What marathon?

  4. NYC in 2005. I was there too, what a coincidence. It wasn't a very good day for me either, but I know it is because I walked around NYC for 2 days before hand. It was still one heck of an energized experience.

    I hope Columbus goes well for you.

  5. You're running a marathon! I totally missed that!

  6. Hey SLB,

    No biggie, I must not have made a big fuss over it.
    I'm using this marathon as a jumping off point for my ultra training.
    Why this race? I don't know. Seems to be a good point to do so.
