Monday, October 6, 2008

Alright, First off, I've been on call since Friday, and all 4 or 5 of my Blog readers know that when I am on call I get near zero running in. When you work for a very large bank..... it happens.
I missed my 10 miler I had planned on Sunday because I was on calls all morning and afternoon.

Anyway, I bought a new camera today. I lost my previous one to the Atlantic Ocean while on vacation. Salt water is not good for electronics.
It's pretty much the same camera as before but in 10 mega pixel form. Below is a picture I snapped half way through my run tonight.

The temp was nice tonight, about 60 degrees. I know I was complaining last week of the cold. But when you go from 80's down to 50's, some one is bound to start bitchin. It just happened to be me.
Since I've not ran on the road since last week, it seemed I was breathing a little harder than normal. My pace was slightly harder than "comfortably hard" which seemed about right to me.

Totals: 5 miles.....road
Ave HR: 177
Max HR: 189


  1. I LOVE night running. The dark has a way of hiding the hills.

    Glad to see that you were able to fit in the run even with a busy work schedule.

    looking forward to more pictures.

  2. My wife and I have a nice waterproof camera we used to take pictures while snorkeling in Hawaii. She wants a new one, which means I get the old one for taking pics while trail running this winter. I normally look forward to the crisp cool days of fall, and doing a bit of running in the dark. It can get tiring after six months of course...
