Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Boring Marathon Memories:

Okay, so this Sunday will be my 5th marathon. Not a great feat, but still it is my 5th.
Looking back on the painful memories….Did I say painful? Hmmm. Marathons are supposed to be fun but not painful. Or, can they be both? I think so. So why all the pain? Why do I keep coming back for more?
My wife says I am stupid. (In a nice way of course) Well, I would agree to an extent.

My first Marathon:
Columbus Marathon 2004:
I have a friend who is just as nuts as I am when it comes to running. Actually, I am crazier than she is for sure. She was cutting my hair one day and she said she was a marathoner and was going to run one in the coming weeks.
I was enthralled by this and said; hey I have been running 5k’s and 5 milers etc….
She said, if you want the ultimate in running experience, that I should run a marathon. Well, I wrote about this briefly in my previous post so I won’t bore you with all that. -Too late, I know.
Anyway, finished that marathon and couldn’t wait for the next.

Cleveland 2005:
I was in the best shape of my running career (LMAO –running career). Anyway, I was hoping for a decent time which never happened. My friend whom I ran Columbus with held me back from breaking 4 hours. That’s why I run races by myself from now on.
I think I finished in 4:13.

Chicago 2005:
Best Marathon I’ve ever ran. At this point, I was nursing a nagging injury that continues to haunt me to this day. The race was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.
It was my first visit to a “Big City”

New York 2005:
Loved the city, not the race. It could have had something to do with my now debilitating leg injury at that point, or the fact that it was a warm mid 70 something degrees. Very unseasonably warm for November.
I was miserable from Queens to the finish.
My fondest memory was remembering when I was on the Queensborough Bridge that if I didn’t lube up soon, I would have quit for sure. I was chaffed from here to there. As I exited the bridge and was running down the ramp into Manhattan, there were these people with these big boards of Vaseline on them. I mean, there were giant globs of lube on there. I ran by and swiped a huge handful. Thank goodness I did, because I never saw “The Lube” again being handed out.
I had a hole rubbed through the skin on my stomach from a Sponge Bob Square Pants sponge that they had dunked into ice cold water and handed out to people as they ran by.
I grabbed one and stuffed it in the waistband of my shorts. Oh man, it was cold!
I forgotten all about it and by the end, it was too late. I was bleeding badly.
This sponge was a scratchy one: Brillo pad one side, sponge on the other. Well, the scratchy side was against my skin. You get the idea.
Turned out to be a bad day all around. I will probably never run NY again.
My friends’ fiancĂ© was waiting for us at the finish with a bottle of Glenlivet. This definitely took the pain away. Amazing how easy it is to drink in public in NY City.


  1. Sounds like it won't be too difficult to have a better marathon than NYC2005! Good luck, and remember to have fun.

  2. Spongebob suffered a bad fate with me in NYC. Somewhere after picking up the sponge, I needed to use the john. There was no toilet paper so poor Spongebob was pressed into service. Needless to say that was one souvenior I did not bring home.

  3. Tony: I will do my best to just enjoy the day and not sweat my finish time. I'm not out for an award anyway.

    Darrell: I don't think I have laughed so hard for quite some time until I just read your response. Thanks!

  4. Glad you got a kick out of my Spongebob NYC experience. It certainly is one of the funnier memories of that marathon.
