Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday run

It was amazing I was able to wake up this morning and actually get out early enough before traffic started to get bad.
When I started out, I had no plans on which was I was going to go. I decided that I would figure it out when I got to my first intersection as to which was I was going to go.
My route was decided within 40 seconds after I started: Pickerington Ponds.

I really like running in this area in the morning time before any cars have spooked off all the wildlife. The main road I would be running on which by the way, is called Schoolhouse Road.
Appropriately named after a school house that sits at the beginning or the end of the road (which ever way you look at it). The old schoolhouse was remodeled some years ago and now people are living in it.
Anyway, at this point in the run, I was real disappointed as I did not see any wildlife yet. Just a cyclist who was just as surprised to see me. More over, I was real disappointed in the fact that I have had to stop and walk a little bit because my heart rate was near max. I have no idea WTF is going on.
I ended up walking/stopping many times after this because I was just so g-dammed fatigued.
After about 5 miles, I decided it was useless to keep trying to put effort into a run that I wasn't benefiting from. I ended up walking back to my house instead. If I had ran any slower, I might as well have walked the entire time.
Will try again another day.

Totals: 5.17 miles 9:07 pace

Heart Rate: low: 169, Average: 183.5, Max: 192


  1. I am an ultra rookie, too. I am running my first trail 50K next month. Which ultra are you training for?

  2. Hey Tom, I am not sure I am training for anything soon. I've had a few set backs, and subsequently had to scratch all of my Ultra plans for this year. I think I am just planning on a fall marathon for now.
    With all of this, I am looking to run my first 100 next June at Mohican.

  3. Great training day... it was not spent in bed so it was good.

  4. Very True Rob.
    That is actually a great feeling to not have wasted the day away.
