Sunday, July 20, 2008

Run, Bike, Filthy 50

Filthy 50 you say? What is that? You did what?

I started the day off with a run on the road through housing developments and rural country roads. The run was a little uneventful. Probably because it was 7:00AM and everyone was sleeping in.
When I started out the temperature was about 75 degrees, and when I made it back home it had gotten up to about 83 degrees.
I had decided that while I was running that I should take the bike out for a quick ride.
I ended up with 7.5 miles for a run, and grabbed a Zone bar, and off I went on a bike ride.
This is when I saw all the activity. I think I counted 4 runners, and 3 cyclists. Kinda rare to see that many on the roads around here. They actaully looked like people who were training for something.
Anyway, I ended up with 11.5 miles for the ride.

Well, by the time I got back home from the ride, the temp had jumped up to about 88 degrees.
I had taken in a lot of water, and still ended up dropping about 3 lbs.
The heat made it hard to do anything the rest of the day. We peaked at about 92 degrees or something like that.

Now, WTF is a Filthy 50? -Your worst nightmare I would bet.
(It was actually my worst nightmare).

I've been wanting to stick with the WOD or (work out of the day) with Crossfit (see links off to the side).
I looked at the Crossfit website this morning to see what the WOD was, and thought man, how the hell was I going to do that? Let me tell you, if there was a time in my life that I wanted die, it would have been at the start of the workout.
First of all it starts out with box jumps on a 24" box. I didn't have one, so I used an 18" instead.
I can typically do 20 of them with no problem, but 50 really got me good.
The rest of the workout is below. I am already really sore from this, and will pay dearly come Tuesday and Wednesday.

Filthy 50:
For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
50 Walking Lunge, (50 steps)
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Run - 7.5 miles
Bike - 11.5
Crossfit WOD: Time: 47:32 - Not bad considering I used all my energy on the first part of the workout.


  1. On word: brutal!

    Sounds a tough day!

  2. It was a fun day.

    I was pretty dehydrated the rest of the day.
    Not sure how you handle the heat in Cali.
