Thursday, July 24, 2008

Buxton and Fran

Tonight consisted of a quick run with my pup Buxton, followed by a quick run on the treadmill, then a modified "WOD" : Fran.

As always, the running I do with my dog always ends up being a fartlek run, followed by a lot of walking, stopping, and eventually laying down in some ones yard to cool off.
The evening was really nice with temps in the mid 70's. Of course every tree, every anomaly had to be sniffed and investigated. By about 1 mile in, we came to a wooded trail area, and I was no longer allowed to take the lead. It went on this way pretty much the rest of the run.

When we got back home, and the dog sacked out on the floor, I decided to hit the treadmill.
I felt pretty good the entire time. Heart rate was good at about 165 max.
I decided this was to be a warm up for Fran.

Fran consists of 3 rounds (21-15-9 reps ) for time of:
Barbell Thrusters @ 95lbs
My modifications:
Barbell Thrusters@ 45 lbs
Jumping pull-ups.

Once I was done with this, my heart rate was about 183, and my hammies were screamin.

After I caught my breath, I hopped back on the treadmill for a 1/2 mile cool down.
I wanted to go further, but my hamstrings were toast.

2 miles with dog
2 miles on treadmill
Fran WOD: 4:32
1/2 mile cool down


  1. What do your neighbors think of you lieing in their yard?!?

    FRAN kicks butt!

  2. SLB,
    How did you know it was me that was laying in their yards? –Okay, they do look at me weird.

    Yes, FRAN is a great workout. Short, sweet and intense.

  3. I would love to have a dog to run with. Perhaps someday when I don't live in the city anymore.

  4. Rainmaker,
    My dog is my little running buddy even though he cannot go very far.
    I really enjoy being out there with him. Nothing like it in the world.
