Friday, November 23, 2007

To my Millions of Loyal Fans out there....... (Ha Ha)

I apologize for the absence of running. Between work (being on call), and putting down a new Walnut Travertine floor in my kitchen, I have not had the chance to go out and do even 2 miles.

Beleive me, it is killing me.
I keep thinking about that 50 miler in March. Will I be ready? Stay Tuned!


  1. as one of your millions (lets be honest...Billions) of fans I think you'll get back on track in no time and knock out that 50 in Mississippi!!

  2. Thanks Josh.
    I hope to redeem myself by going up to Mohican soon and doing a long run up there.
    As far as the number of fans, your probably right, it is somewhere in the billions. Thanks for being a fan.
