Monday, November 5, 2007

Running with the the rain

Yesterday, I ran with the Buffalo, today, I run with the ducks.
I planned a 6 mile run that would wrap up my week with 20 miles. Did it happen? Read on.

I go down to Pickerington Ponds, which is literally 2 miles from my house. I have never ran there.
I decide to go out there after scouting good places to run while at work today.
I get there and start out on the Meadow Lark Trail and do two loops there before heading out on the road to run up to the Killdeer Trail. While running on the road, I hear a rumble off in the distance. I think, is that thunder? No way, it's probably the cargo jets taking off or landing over at Rickenbacker. I get to the trail head, and sure enough, I see lightning. I am now a little ways away from my Jeep, and decided to keep running on the trail. After all, there should be a shelter at the end of this trail. Wrong! As I am running down Killdeer, the rain is light, but steadily picks up towards the end. No big deal, I've ran in the rain many times. I get to the end of the trail, and there is no shelter. I take off, and start back down the trail, and the lightning was relentless. One bolt snapped about a mile from me, and almost sent me to the ground. Damn! That was close!
I can see off in the distance what looks like a white wall, of something moving fast towards me.
WTH is that?
The hail started coming down hard, and I had no shelter. Damn, that hurt!
The next best thing I could do was stand behind a tree for shelter. It worked.
Once the hails stopped, I decided I better get going before I cool down too much. The temperature was dropping fast.

You can see in the picture that haze. That's hail.

As I headed back towards Yellow Legs Trail, (I know, I was thinking the same thing when I read that), the temp kept dropping more and more. I was soaking wet since the rain did not stop.

I got back to Ellis Pond, and decided to end the run there. The temps were dropping, and I was soaking wet.

Total mileage: 5.04 miles Time 45:45 Pace: 9:05

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