Wednesday, December 5, 2007

My new little running device.....

For the next two weeks anyway. I went to my doctor yesterday regarding my sleep issues. I can be up for two or three days straight. He gave me some wonderful little pills that should help me. Ambien can also have a side effect that makes me Sleep-Eat in the middle of the night.
Much like Sleep-Walking, I get up in the middle of the night and eat a lot of what ever is the most convenient to eat.
If my wife has any junk food, I eat it. I usually eat the things during these times that I typically never eat when I am awake.
I have a few good stories about this medicine that would really make you laugh.

Anyway, I asked my doctor about the heart rate issues I have been having and he gave me this little device. I have to wear it for the next two weeks as previously stated. When ever I notice my heart rate is high, via my heart rate monitor or by feel, I push a little button that records a minute or so of data. Once I get a few records, I can then upload them to the company who makes the device for analysis.
I have to run tonight, so we'll see how it goes.
Off to bed...


  1. wow! thats quite the contraption! where does that thing go when you run? Does it strap on your arm, like an Ipod?

  2. I sorta don't get to see the read out, but I did notice tonight when I hooked it up that it showed my heart waves on the screen. I run with a Garmin 305 so I can see my heart waves on it when I upload it to my computer. Kinda nice to have to monitor overtraining and other issues.
