Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Good Ride, Good Beer with Good Friends

Yesterday I went on a ride with Luca, whom I met during the Mohican 50k back a few month's ago. We were pretty much running the entire time together back and forth throughout the entire race. Him and another guy kept me entertained for miles.
Well, fast forward to now. We finally met up for a ride out in the country. I told him it would be very quiet in terms of traffic and noise. This was not the case. There were a ton of cars. I couldn't believe it. Needless to say we had no incidents and made it back safe.
One thing is for sure, he killed me on this ride and I don't think he was trying. So funny.
It was a great workout and I needed to be pushed.
Maybe I was so tired from the CrossFit workout I did prior to the ride. Who knows.
Afterward, we sat at my kitchen table and drank a few home brews and relaxed.
What a great way to start the week.

Totals: 32 miles road bike
CrossFit WOD:

Warm up: 800m run, 50 KB swings (45lbs)
Skill: 5x5 Front Squats
WOD: 100 push Ups, 2000m Row, 100 Squats


  1. So Luca rides a bike and drink beer. I have ran a few miles with Luca and did not know he had those on his list of activities. Nick, now I knew you did. It sounded like fun and cheers!

  2. You must have a million friends with all that good beer you keep at home:-)

  3. sounds like a fun time. its great to meet new ppl at races and then see them out and about.

  4. The beer looks great. And hey, cool card catelogue in that photo. Where did you find it?
