Monday, July 27, 2009

Anyone else Burned out?

This is not a good position to be in. Not sure why, but I seemed to be really burned out on everything starting with....gasp....CrossFit.....and second....gasp, gasp...Running!
I need to get rid of this lazy feeling and suck it up. This is my body wussin out on me.
Today was a kicker for me. I simply didn't want to push myself that hard during the workout. It's nothing they did, it's just me. Seems every time I do a workout I push myself to extreme exhaustion. Painful exhaustion. Kinda getting burned out on that I guess.

I know the answer is to not back off the CrossFit, but maybe scale back while doing the workouts. Maybe mix it up a little. Go heavy on the weights one day, make it a heavy Cardio day the next.

I'm a little disappointed I didn't get a chance to go for a run today. Simply not enough time to fit it in.

Kim "The Trail Goddess" is running the Burning River 100 this weekend. I will be crewing and pacing her the final 30 miles. I think being back in these kinds of surroundings will help me get back into it. Wish her luck. This is gonna be a great finish for her.

CrossFit WOD
Warm Up: 1 Mile Indian Run

Skill: 5x5 Back Squats: Weight: 205 lbs

11 Power Snatch (ended up doing 3 sets of KB Snatch because of my shoulder)
400m Run
AMRAP in 20 score: 5 Rounds


  1. Nick,
    In response to your question: It is perfectly normal and natural for a man your age to be interested in sex and to spend a great deal of time thinking about women...

    Oh, wait...that wasn't your question was it?

    Here's another answer. Go ahead and be burned out for a while...then snap out of it. Try this: Go to a track 3-4 nights per week and run untimed, easy striders. Don't time them and quit before you are exhausted. Then jog home. 2-4 miles for the whole workout. This will bring "snap" back to your legs.

    No no don't thank me...its what I do.

  2. Nick,

    I get tired just reading about all your workouts. I'd probably be burned out, too if I tried to actually do all of them in addition to running!

    Would an easy week kill you?

  3. Tom: I feel the past few weeks have all been too easy.

    Mark: I will definetly do this as I need some track time.
    It's only another 3 month's until
    What I need is a dose of Mohican.

  4. I think this weekend at Burning River will help with your doldrums. So what is the plan? Want to call me on my cell and see where I am on the course prior to meeting up at Happy Days? You've got directions from the race packet I hope.
    I will probably turn the phone on and off to save the battery. I plan on running with the AS locations on me so I can tell you where I am on the course.

  5. Hey Nick, I think everyone feels your pain every once in a while. When I get that burned out feeling, I try to workout differently or simply change up the routine. Maybe when you workout only go 50%. Good luck. By the way, I finally have a blog. Still in the process of setting it up but I'm able to post on it. Hang in there and have fun at BR. Terri

  6. Rubbing shoulders with some other runners and pacing Kim should get you mojo back for you...or go and buy some new kit, that always works for me! Check out a book called Running Within as well...there's some good stuff in it

  7. Hello Nick! Well, pain is always a part of a runner's life. After all, it is through pain that we are able to become a better person and a stronger competitor!

    Just have fun all the time! Running is loving you back when you are loving it all your heart! : )

  8. Here is my list....

    Facebook, cell phones, emails... I just can't stop.

    Working out is what is holding me together these days.

  9. I just did my first Ultra (50 miles) and know the importance of crews and pacers. Couldn't do it without you guys!! I wish her luck!!
