Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Update on my "Speeding incident"

I called the County Sheriff where I live and they got a kick out of my story. They said there were no reports of any deputies pulling over a cyclist.
They said the officer didn't have jurisdiction to pull me over since the incident was inside city limits. The City police could have pulled me over though. They said I do have to follow all rules of the road including speed limits.
They then asked me to describe the officer. I said: "Big, Fat, Angry man in a uniform."
They replied: "............Um.......Okay........That's all I need.......Have a Good Day Sir."

CrossFit WOD from Yesterday: YEAHHHHHHHH BABY!!!!!!WHOOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Warm up: 1 mile run
30 Squats
20 Push Ups
20 Roll Overs

Skill: Back Squats 5x5: Max: 175. The last set I didn't do. My hamstrings were hurtin too bad.

5 Strict Overhead Press: 95 lbs
7 Strict Pull Ups
AMRAP in 12 minutes.

My score: 10 Rounds and a pounding headache!


  1. There must a Police cloning factory somewhere...did he smell faintly of do-nuts?

  2. Too funny. That describes far too many of our police officers.

  3. Loved your description of the officer. :) I think I've seen that guy...

  4. That's pretty hilarious. I love your description.
