Thursday, July 23, 2009

Puddle of a fat boy..........

Okay, the title is a little harsh I know, but we all somehow make fun of ourselves in order to motivate ourselves. I by no means make fun of "weight challenged" people...unless they are gluttons. The Puddle you see is my sweat puddle after today's ass kickin' from a totally ass kickin' workout.
I woke up today feeling great and knew I had to jump back in full force. So what do I start my day off with? Of course a near death experience at Rogue Fitness!

A little CrossFit action first thing in the morning (my morning) really gets the blood flowing for the rest of my day. AWESOME!
Below is a picture of me after the workout. I was hurtin bad during that final set of Push Press. My body was screaming for me to stop. I just had to ignore the signals that my body was about to shut down and just suck it up. If I was going to die, then I was going to die during a killer workout. That's all there was to it.

You have no idea how bad I wanted "J", our instructor, to come over and start screaming at me like a Drill Sergeant after someone had wizzed in his cornflakes.

My only motivation to continue was knowing that just one more rep, I would be closer to being done and closer to being able to fall to the floor and allow the blood to rush back to my vital organs.

Warm up: 1 mile run
Skill: Push Press: 3x3 maxed out at 135lbs. (Shoulder felt great)

400m Run
20 Push Press (95lbs)
30 abmat sit ups
4 Rounds for time:
My time: 24:06
I'll take it. I need to get back in the gym and suck it up and get better and prepare for up coming events. I added the little evil face. Someone put a happy face up there and I changed it. Well deserved in my book.


  1. Nice puddle, way to get your sweat on.

    I do all my runs in my regular trainers, no track shoes for me. So far.

  2. thats is some puddle that you managed to create. great job.
    good luck with the training
