Monday, July 20, 2009

Oopps....I forgot to post this

Easy 8.5
I decided to skip CrossFit today and hit the trails. I was on call this past weekend and ended up getting very little sleep and any form of training was non-existent.

Since Mohican, my headaches have started back up again and has prevented me from doing any serious hard training. Yeah, I've been going to CrossFit, but it has been a struggle.
No energy, headaches, nausea, and that "I don't give a crap" feeling. Not a good combo for hard workouts and Ultrarunning.

I went out to Slate Run today for a run on the trails and made it around nearly all the trails for a relaxing 8.5 miles. I wanted a little more sun than I got but in the end, I was happy with 75 degrees.

The pace was easy. When I say easy, I mean easy. I ran most of the hills, but walked a couple of them and used that time as water breaks without stopping. In the end, the run was what I wanted.
Taking a look at my schedule, I have a few events coming up that I really need to buckle down and train hard. I'm Pacing Kim at Burning River 100, then Dances with Dirt 50 miler-Hell Michigan, Germantown 50k, then the biggin: Javelina Jundred in Arizona. I'll use Burning River as a training run and let DWD fall where it may.

I'll try my best to blog more and attempt to make it a little more interesting. Right now, I am simply bored to death with everything. Hmmm. maybe I need to train more? Possibly.


  1. I think we all have those feeling from time to time and it is refreshing in a way to hear someone else being honest about it.

    I am sure it is just temporary.

  2. Look at the sweat you have going on in the picture!!

    I have not had much time to blog but I am still here as well. We all know you are swimming in all of the brew you are mixing :)

  3. PF: I'm sure it is. I go in cycles like that.

    Robin: I just kegged 5 gallons of the Honey Kolsch I brewed a couple of weeks ago. I am swimmin now!

  4. I'm gonna have to try this crossfit stuff. You are looking skinny BTW.
