Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Beat to a Pulp

The other night at CrossFit, we did 5x5 Back Squats, but I ended up only doing 4 sets.
I have a long history of bad Hamstrings, and that night I was reminded of that past. By time the 4th set, I knew I was toast. My Hammies were gone. I begged Heather (CF instructor) to let me roll out for a few minutes with the foam roller.
Yesterday was a recovery day, and when I went in tonight, I knew I wasn't recovered enough by the time we were getting ready to do the main workout. My hamstrings were seizing up major.

"Suck it up......Could be a lot worse" I said. I started to rethink why the hell I was there. I saw the WOD (workout of the day) on the board and knew this was gonna suck big time! Why the hell did I come there tonight?
Today, I begged Nate (CF instructor) to let me roll out and stretch. I was nervous.
I ended up scaling the weight back as I knew at anytime, I could easily pull a muscle. Not good when I am training for Ultras.
In the end, it sucked more than I thought, but I got through it. My time was a lot slower than I wanted, but seemed every exercise made my hamstrings hurt worse than before.

I came home and iced it with a beer or two and now, I feel much better. That Sam Adams is a real magician.

Warm up:
400m run
20m Push ups
15 Squats

Skill: None: Set up equipment only

WOD: AROMAS (No idea what this means)

15 Hanging Squat Power Cleans 95 lbs
30 Toes to Bar or Knees to Elbows
30 Box Jumps
20 Ring Dips
30 DB Push Press 35 lb DB's
90 Jump Ropes
15 Thrusters 95 lbs
30 Burpees
50 Walking Lunges (I didn't use any weight)

For Time!

My time: 25:42

No excuses. My time should have been shorter.


  1. Strange how one always knows up front when it's going to be an awful session. Like an instinct. Well,at least you pulled through.

  2. I am back to hitting the weights again and am freaking SORE... but don't tell my 15 year old :))

    You played smart backing off a bit. Good boy.

  3. The idea of you begging makes me chuckle. Some how I don't think the CF coaches are going to be all that sympathetic.

    I'm glad you found a cure of what ails you when you got home.
