Sunday, August 9, 2009

What an awesome freakin weekend!!!!!! (Beer)

The week hadn't gone that great for me from the start. I'll spare the details, but going into this weekend I wasn't so sure about how it would play out. I told Luca that him and I would go up to Mohican on Sunday and run 21 miles on trail. I was fighting a cold and wasn't sure this would be possible.
I told a friend of mine (Bret) that I would be brewing a huge batch of Beer on Saturday with him. I knew this would be possible as there was no running involved. The last time I brewed, I had a lot of problems that resulted in a lot of frustration. One reason being that I was brewed that batch alone.
I woke up really late on Saturday and called Bret to head on over. He brought his little Beagle over and my pups and his was worn out by the end of the day.
Regarding the brew, I was a little nervous as I have never brewed a batch this big before on my own. I was really counting on him to help us through this batch. Turns out, he was a huge help and we ended up with no problems at all. We ended up with 12.5 gallons of Honey Kolsch........SWEET! Best of all he really like the previous batch of Honey Kolsch I brewed. That's always a plus.

After the brew day, I gathered all my gear I needed in order to get ready for the run on Sunday. By this time I felt that my cold was gonna be held off and that I could just wing this run.
I've ran up there sicker than this and got through with no problems. I knew going into this that the day would be hot. (Don't laugh, but we were supposed to hit 90 degrees today)
I chatted online with Rob P. and Michelle B. and learned that Don, and Terri Lemke would join us for the run. Awesome!

Here is a picture of Luca (aka: Funny man) and I in the first 5 miles or so of the run.

I was slightly nervous as Terri is super fast and Don is a machine of the trails.
Mine and Luca's plans were to chill out and take it easy. -We did.

We started off at 7:30 on the Red/Green trails. The humidity was creeping up but I didn't notice really until it was too late. About mile 10 I was nearly exhausted. I was wondering what was going on. The heat wasn't too bad as most of the trail is shaded, but that humidity was eating away at us and I didn't even put 2 and 2 together.

Terri and Don were fed up with Luca and I slowing them down so they shot off like lightening.
I don't blame them, I would have left us too!
Luca and I came upon a stream crossing and I had the bright idea to start running up stream through the water. The splashing around felt so good and I didn't want it to end.

Fast forward to about mile 17, we find Don laying down on a gravel mound resting. He ended up getting light headed from the heat and thought he'd send Terri on her way to finish up her run and just wait for us to slog up the trail.

After a few minutes, we wondered up the trail in disbelief that the heat had done so much damage to all of us.
After we got back to the covered bridge, Terri was already back there wondering what the hell happend to us. She beat all of our asses! Luca and I headed straight to the Mohican River. We had been talking about it during the run about going up to the lake for a swim. We also talked about cold......Beer!, and pizza. Luca was killing me all day talking about Italian cooking and even brought along some Tuscan style flat bread that he cut up in small bites for us to munch on during the run. It was awesome. Rewind to a few hours earlier, he had made me a cup of coffee Italian style. Again, awesome. Fast forward back to the talk of......Beer! We couldn't stop talking about beer. We were thirsty and needed......Beer!
Okay...back to the River.....I went on down to the river and found Luca in the water just soaking it up. I promptly joined him. You would have thought we were Kings....Kings without......Beer!
After the much needed soak, Don offered us a beer at his house and we were quick to accept the invitation.
Don, you're a life saver. I am not sure Luca and I could have made it back to Columbus without stopping somewhere for a .......Beer!
The weekend turned out great. This run today made me realize I need to suck it up and do more heat training for my run in Arizona. What an awesome weekend. All these guys are awesome and I look forward to many more runs with them.


  1. Also sounds to me like you need a cooler in your trunk stocked with......BEER!

    Nice report. Wish I was there. I could have slowed you guys down ever more!

  2. Mike, I think you are......Right!

    Maybe next time. There will be plenty more chances to go up there.

  3. Ha, awesome! And pretty cool pics there, especially the one with all the runners up ahead.

  4. RM: I was in the lead at this point in that picture. It was about 2 miles later those guys had about enough of our slowness and they took off flying.

  5. Hey Nick, I stumbled across your blog somehow. Enjoyed reading about some of your runs. Good luck at Javelina!
