Tuesday, August 11, 2009

......and we Pay to do this to ourselves?

Sometimes I wonder why we do it. More specifically, why I do it to myself. I guess I am a glutton for punishment and a glutton for Chocolate Pie.
Today, I noticed I was whipped from the workout from the day before. I need to do it, otherwise, I will suffer later in my crazy quests for adventure.

This goes along with races. Why do we pay the exorbitant amount of money for entry fees, travel expenses, gear, etc?????
If you are like me you like the adventure. Some people are competitive about races. Myself, I really could care less. I think for me, it is about the adventure and seeing how far I can push myself. In the sport that I do, I am very self centered. The exact opposite of who I really am when I'm not out running, cycling, CrossFitting or whatever.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love the punishing workouts that are handed down to us. They build character. Right?
I guess that's why I Pay to do this to myself:

Warm up:
1 Mile Run
30 OHS (Overhead Squats)
20 K2E's (Knees to Elbows)
10 Pull Ups

Skill: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 - Power Cleans

50 Burpees
50 Squats
50 Push Ups
50 Pull Ups (Assisted with Pull Up band)
1 Mile Run

My time: 23:05


  1. Come on now...don't start sounding like all of those other people who say, "I don't even like to drivvvee 50 miles". Haha

  2. Actually Clara, I hate driving any distance, but I sure do love running and riding.
    I'd rather run 50 than drive it.
    -Something is messed up here.
