Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Okay, now I am totally freaking out. Last week, I was at CrossFit and we were doing Deadlifts.
Nothing major, I only had 275 lbs on the bar doing like 1 rep at a time.
I knew not to push anything since I am getting closer to my race. In fact, I was concentrating on good form the entire time.
The next day I was a little sore but not a big deal. I went to Crossfit that night and we were doing Turkish Get Ups. (Just google it.)
These TGU's are an awesome all over body workout in themselves. I was using a 35 lb KB. Again, nothing major.
Later that night, my back started spasming.
Every once in a while I get this, and a day or two later it's gone. Well, it's been 4 days now, and it's not getting any better.
I am so pissed off right now. It's my luck with my race looming, I may not be able to make it.
My race might become a volunteer adventure for Javelina.
At this point, I think it is only a Grade 1 strain, but how will that hold up over a 100 miles?
They say it takes about 1-2 weeks for them to heal. We'll see.
I've been icing, heating, cursing, massaging, E-Stim, Prescription Naproxen, cursing some more, etc....

On the other post from yesterday, I found out my bruising and swelling is caused from my medication I am taking. This is totally messed up. It's not an option for me to stop taking them.
My Endocrinologist said that my recovery from running will take much longer than other people. The bruising and swelling in my feet and ankle just won't go away overnight.
No freakin wonder!


  1. It often happens...stuff appearing before a big race. Partly just because the body is tired from all the training. I find it strange though reading about your back. Last night I also had something like spasms in my back. I had this happening years ago the whole night which lasted 2/3 days. Maybe we've caught the same here. I really thought I need to call EMS! But if it's the same than no worries it'll go away.

    Hang in there, you are doing what you can do.

  2. The great thing is that Javelina is still 11 days away. I think you have time. Just don't go crazy in the meantime.

  3. I sucks when your body fights back. Hang in there.

  4. Stephanie: Another guy I was talking to said the same thing about this happening before a big race. I hope you are right.

    Rick: I was on the brink of going crazy until I spoke to someone knowledgeable about these things. He is getting me fixed up. I will be ready.

    Darrell: I agree. But, I hope I do the fighting come time for the race.

  5. RM: Turkish Get Ups are closely related to torture....not Turkey's : )

    Stuart: I am doing my best to relax. I will see you soon with Buckle in Hand.

    Mark: After talking to you on the phone, I believe you are right.

  6. If you put my cow picture on your FB, then you have to give me your FB name so I can SEE! (Please)

  7. Jo Lynn: Look me up on FB:
    Nick Longworth, Pickerington Ohio.

    The cow is up there!

  8. Nick, you will be fine. You will complete that 100 miler.
