Monday, October 19, 2009

Can I catch a Break Please?

I am writing this as the 13th day is now upon me for Javelina. I'm also writing this as I lay here in bed with a pack of ice on my lower back. I've been doing contrasting hot/cold therapy for it for a couple of days now.
Not sure really if this is a blessing in disguise to keep me from running until the race or what.
Also, it seems I continue to have foot problems. I went to watch the Columbus Marathon yesterday and when I got home, I noticed the top of my foot was bruised and slightly swollen. WTH?
I've been bruising really easily in the past few months. Seems like ever since Dances with Dirt Gnaw Bone this has happened.
I have no idea what it is.
Maybe I can tell my wife it is from too much housework?
Any questions, comments, concerns, complaints.....leave a post.

On saturday, it was 101 degrees in Fountain Hill, AZ. ................Cool it. Now!


  1. Do you bruise easily all over? Been to the doctor lately? Sounds like something missing nutritionally... take care of yourself!! :o)

  2. Hoodie, I don't bruise all over, it's just in my feet which is weird.
    I will have to look into this some more.
