Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pup Run

My Pup Leading the way:

I decided to skip Crossfit tonight and take my pup on a run through Sycamore Creek Park here in Pickerington.
He was looking like he needed some fresh air and I need some too.
The weather here sucks as always, but it didn't deter us from going out.
We only made one circuit around the arboretum, and a quick crossing of Sycamore Creek. It was Cold!
We only went a mile, but it was a good one.

I went home and fired up the treadsauna. I taped up my foot and started out slowly. The temp was about 75 degrees but quickly climbed to 95 degrees.
Oh man, this sucked.
I was feeling it about mile 2 1/2. I was running about race pace, but in all, I felt at ease. I am hoping this is a good sign.

My hope is to get acclimated to this kind of heat. I looked at the Farmers' Almanac, and it was supposed be cool and raining at Javelina this year. We'll see.

4 miles
1 mile with Vibrams, 3 miles on treadsauna.


  1. good luck on the cool and raining...I wouldn't bank on it. I love the term should copyright it and make a business out of it!

  2. So your pup has to lead, too??? Merlin can't stand it having to be behind me, he always looks for a way to pass me on a narrow single track!

  3. Mike: I think you are onto something.............

    Stephanie: He is the pack leader most days.
    Yep, that sounds like my pup. Luckily he is an off leash dog and obeys my commands instantly.

  4. Treadsauna? BLEH!

    Boomer always wants to be in front. Just like Stephanie's dog, he is on my heels on the single track trails and as soon as an opening comes, he's in front of me. Aren't they the BEST running partner?!

  5. Jo Lynn, they are the best Running Partners. If we go out for a pup hike, he'll usually knock my wife over just to get to the front.

    Treadsauna will hopefully save me from the heat at Javelina. It is in the low 40's here right now.

  6. Love the treadsauna (I know its been said but I really do.)

  7. well it works... look how fast the temp increased inside of you rocking treadsauna. Love it!

  8. The Treadsauna 5000!

    Run INSIDE the box.

    Have you patented this yet?? Hope it does the job for you.
