Thursday, April 3, 2008

Tonight I had planned on going to the track again, but with the rain and cool weather we are having, I decided to treadmill it tonight.

The run went really well. I stopped once at 3 miles because I thought my pager went off.
The rest of the run went really well. I had to refrain from running a few extra miles as I had a lot left in me at the end of the run.

I need to rest up for Fools FA on Sunday. I still have not decided if I will "Run" the 25k or "Do" the 50k. It will depend on how I am feeling at the end of the little loop, and/or if I get lost.

I may take this time and just "Do" the distance and not worry about the time.
After all, it is a Fat Ass.

I'm gonna kick back with my Succeed Clip2 now and recover for this coming weekend.

Totals: 5 Miles...........Time: 47:17........9:27Pace

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great FA race, either one sounds like a winner, have a great weekend.
