Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Last Week recap

I have been really crazy the past week and have been really slacking on the blog entries.

Here is last weeks training:

Monday 3/31/08: Off, Stretch/Bike to Sycamore Park and do Hill repeats
-Actual: Stretch/Yoga. Active rest.

Tuesday 4/1/08: 3 Miles with 8 x 100 meter strides
-Actual: 1 mile warm up with 3-1 mile repeats. Total: 4 miles. No strides.

Wednesday 4/2/08: Chestnut Ridge: 5 miles -Very Hilly
-Actual: 6.25 miles - Still Very Hilly!

Thursday 4/3/08: PNHS Track: 5 Miles; 1 Mile Repeats with short walk breaks.
-Actual: 5 Miles Treadmill

Friday 4/4/08: Off, Stretch/Bike
-Actual: Off

Saturday 4/5/08: Off

Sunday 4/6/08: Fools FA Run -unsure of distance.
-Actual: 45 k or 28 miles

Totals: 43.25 Miles