Saturday, October 20, 2007

Tryin this blog thing.

Okay, even though I've never seemed to be interested in writing a Blog, I thought maybe it would help motivate me in my training.I am not sure whether or not I will be creating daily or weekly entries. It may end up being a combination of both.
I am working on getting myself back to the condition I was in before I was injured, which was shortly after the 2005 Cleveland Marathon.It all started in my right groin and hamstring area. At it's full height, the pain was ingrained in nearly all of my right thigh and hamstring area. After about a year and a half of physical therapy, massage therapy, and many painful runs, the cause was in my lower back.
I am running my second Ultra Marathon this coming Saturday; The Germantown 50k in Dayton, Ohio.
I am not sure what to expect from this 50k since my first 50k; Haliburton Forest, went south half way into the race. I was not feeling well the night before the race, and ended up having a bad race.
With Germantown, my training was going okay until about two weeks ago, I got a really bad cold. It was weird since I had not been sick since the 2005 New York City Marathon.
Hopefully, I will be able to survive this 50k, and at least get back a little bit of my dignity.
Don't get me wrong, I am happy I toughed it out and finished, I was humiliated because I was literally "finished" before the halfway point. My body just stopped absorbing fuel, and simply ran out. I walked a good portion of the way back which was very hard for me to do.
I will continue to update this Blog with my training progress, and possibly do some back dating with entries of Haliburton Forest, and other running related posts.


  1. Good luck at Stone Steps this weekend Nick! And is that your dog-what a cutie!!

  2. Actually, I am running Germantown. Tanya ran Stone Steps, she said it was a killer. Yep, that's my pup. He is a great litle running partner.
