Thursday, September 24, 2009

Loving the Rain

Not sure why, but rain seems to bring me outdoors more often than not. I am an inclement weather a certain degree.
I decided to stay home tonight and follow the Rogue WOD posted on the Facebook homepage.
Since I love Clean and Jerks I jumped at the opportunity to work on these.
I skipped the warm up and since I don't have anyone looking at my form, I did a few C&J's just to get a feel for the weight. My bumper selection is lacking as I only have 45 pounders, so, 135 lbs for the C&J workout is was. This weight is about my limit for multiple reps on these.

After the run I hopped into my running gear and off for a slight off road (trail)/road run.
The pace was a little faster than I planned but, slow none the less.
This was to be a test to see how my foot would do with the bruising. Turns out it did just fine.
The trail I was running wasn't technical enough to fully test it out but, in overall the foot never hurt one bit.
The run was uneventful other than the pouring down rain and being dark and foggy. Made for a great atmosphere to run in.

On a side note, I am sure many of you being Ultrarunners and all have heard about the story of the two very experienced Ultrarunners in California being lost for over 3 days without food or water. Maria "Gina" Natero-Armento and her brother-in-law Fidel Diaz, were lost in the Cleveland National Forest. Search parties were sent out to look for them and many Ultrarunners in the community united in the search. When I heard of the story all I could think about was their well-being and the hope for their safe return. I had no idea who these people were but, it didn't matter. They are part of a tight-knit community of people who love run in the most extreme conditions. This week probably proved to be the toughest test of their endurance and instincts to survive. Please read more about the story here: Ultrarunners Found Safe

I was thinking about purchasing one of these GPS tracking devices for emergencies like this.Can't tell you how many times I have ran alone out at Mohican. There is no cell phone coverage out there and far and few homes and people to seek help from. At only a $100.00 it would seem like a bargain to save your life if you were stranded. Check them out:

Totals: 4.5 miles
CrossFit WOD: Clean & Jerk with 135lbs
400m Run
AMRAP in 15 minutes
I was able to get 2 1/2 rounds.


  1. I read about those ultrarunners. Scary stuff. I don't know that area at all. I can't believe it's that remote where no passer-by saw them? I'm very happy they were both found alive, that's for sure.

  2. RM: I must have missed that review.
    This is one peice of running gear my wife has happily agreed to.
    As for the snake: I never touched it with the stick, Cat did...I'm not all that Brave to do that.

    Jo Lynn: I heard that this area they were in was so rugged that it turns many people away from attemtping the trails.
    I'm glad to hear they are okay too.

  3. For all the money I spend on gear $100 for the SPOT thing seems to be a no-brainer. I have to look into this. Thanks for bringing it up.
