Saturday, May 16, 2009

Descending Big Lyons Falls

This video does no justice to the steepness and slipperiness of that day during the Forget the PR Mohican 50k. Just one slip and you'd go right down to the bottom very quick.

I simply love these falls especially when the water is cool and running freely on a hot day.


  1. thanks for the short video tour! I am looking forward to my first 100 at Mohican.

  2. Maryann,
    I beleive walking this race is the best way to see Mohican.
    There are so many more places to see in mohican that you won't get to see during the race. It's such a magical place.

  3. So is this blog going away too - or just the other one?

    Too bad there aren't falls along the side of tri running courses. :(

  4. Great Video, I am posting your link on FTPR

  5. Hey Ray. This blog is not going away. The other one has just been combined with this one. Too much stuff going on with 2 Blogs, FB, Twitter, Email, etc.
    Mohican would be a great place for a Triathlon for sure!

    Rob: Fine by me. I wished I had it up sooner. Took a long time to upload.

  6. Wow, great stuff! A bunch of us New Englanders were talking about a road trip one of these years out to an ultra. Having spent a year in Southwestern Ohio you wouldn't have to do too much to convince me to head west, but a sweet waterfall definitely adds allure for a 'water bug' like me!

  7. Yer right, it does it no justice. :) Now you need the complimentary video clip of you going UP the Little Lyons Falls root system. Awesome video man!

  8. Looks like a good place for a trail run. Yeah Nick, that's the plan, Javelina in October. Won't put up the rest of the years schedule until after San Diego 100 is over.

  9. wow very primordial thanks for sharing the video!
