Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bring on the Heat & the Kegerator

I went out to Chestnut Ridge today f0r a run to test out my foot to see if the bruising was gone. (It's Not)
I'm a little nervous about this weekends' trail adventures but, I think it will be alright.
The Magic of the Mohican Trails will heal it for good. (Cross Thy Fingers)
Had I known what we were doing at CrossFit tonight, I would not have ran prior to going to Rogue. It was a beating. I loved it as this is the type of stuff that prepares you for for the next challenge. The building is hot as hell, and we haven't gotten into the summer heat yet. I heard it gets so hot in there that a cloud forms in the ceiling area. This will be great as I need to heat train for my adventure in the Sonoran Desert come October.
I don't do so well in heat and need to learn to suck it up and Run/Bike/CrossFit when it is brutally hot.

"The Kegerator": On a side note, I just apprehended my first Kegerator the other day. My plan is to have at least 3-4 Corny Kegs (5 Gallons each) on tap at any given time. Now, I don't drink that much beer, but it would sure be great to step out into the garage and pour how much I want, when ever I want.

Trail Run: 6 Miles
Bad ass CrossFit workout:

Warm up:
50 KB Swings
40 Squats
30 Push Ups
20 Roll Overs
10 Pull Ups
Skill: Deadlifts: 3,2,2,2,1,1 1 Max Dead lift: 225

30 KB Lunges ( I suck at these and needed to progressively go down in weight)
250m Run
10 Push Press -95 lbs
5 Rounds for time.

My time: 21:42


  1. Good move on the heat training and also on the KEGERATOR. The amount you want, when you want...perfect. I bet you will actually drink less. Hope to see you Saturday. Peace. --Mark

  2. wait. you're going to do 100miler in the desert?

    and today you had a race? looking forward to the race report.

    love the muddy feet pic. awesome.
