Monday, May 18, 2009

Blessing in Disguise

I was planning to go up to Mohican and put in some miles but, I was so frustrated today when I woke up again...very late. Sunday, I was going to meet Kim, and Luc at Salt Fork, but my wife was flying out of town and I needed to get her to the airport on time. Seems Sunday, I woke up way too late to get anything too.
Never fear, I got my sorry self in gear and went out for a run on the Slate Run Horse Trails.

I knew this trail was out there, I just assumed I couldn't use it. I was driving by and thought what the heck, I'd give it a try. When I got there, no one was out and I had the whole trail to myself.
The trail itself is a 2.5 mile loop. Below is a picture of the trail which is perfect for real trail running.
I noticed about 1.5 miles into the run that the top of my foot was flaring up. When I looped back to my car, I decided it was warranted to stop and go do something else.
Now, had I gotten clear up to Mohican, which is 2 hours away, I would have been stuck with a very long round trip for nothing. My Blessing in Disguise.

When I got home, I got the bike out for a ride. Nothing major going on with this ride. I ended up with 21 miles.
Off to CrossFit I go. I hadn't been into CrossFit for a while due to my races and a sprained ankle.
I knew this was gonna hurt.
I had to swap out all the running we had to do with rowing instead.

Warm up:
1 mile run: I did 800m run, and 500m row
30 Squats
30 Push Ups

Skill: Clean & Jerk

15 C&J
400m Run: I did 500m Row
3 Rounds for time
My time: 15:59


  1. Let that ankle heal friend. All of the frustration will be worth it in June!!!

  2. See that is the way we call trail gods were looking out for ya!

  3. My goodness ...where I have I been?? I feel like I have missed a ton of post.

    btw - love the new picture header!! Mud Rocks!

  4. Nice looking trail. If it was out here, the green stuff all along the trail would be poison oak!

  5. Mark: You're right. I am slowly learning patience.
    Rob: I think you are right as well.

    Robin: I know. I've been away doing other things too. I keep missing a lot of good posts from others that I follow.

    Tom: It was a great trail. I wouldn't doubt there was plenty of poison ivy and poison oak along that trail.

  6. Small loops can be just perfect!

    See, this is what I mean...can't run but still bike and be out!

    Hope your foot gets better very soon.

  7. Btw, I don't know if I've said this - but your new header in the mud is awesome.

    Oh, and go get well!

  8. Nick,
    I haven't been keeping up with anyone's blogs lately but I'm trying. LoL Where is all that mud from at the top of your blog? Looks like fun!

  9. Stephanie: It is getting better. The bike is my saving grace.

    Ray: I like the header too. I love mud and cannot avoid it.

    Michelle: that is from the Mohican 50k. The section between Purple Loop and The Lodge. It was fun!
