Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Last Post

I know I haven't updated this blog in quite some time. To be honest, I've lost interest in it, and I have a lot of other things to do besides update a blog.
I am going to start training again soon, but I have nothing planned as far as any races are concerned. No spreadsheets and training plans for me. At least not right now.

I'm still on Facebook, so I can still see you there but, I'm really not sure I'm going to keep facebook either. That will yet to be seen. I want to keep in touch with my fellow runners and brewers and that's it really.
I deleted Twitter a long time ago. What a waste of time.

There's nothing wrong with blogging, but it's just not for me. I hate to feel like I am bragging about something I have nothing to brag about. :) Believe me, I am not a bragger.

My health issues I've had are still ongoing and yet to see a true outcome. None of it is life threatening, it's just a matter of it sucking the life out of me. :)
No, really, it's all going good.
I tell you, looking back through my blog, I've had some great times.
Anyway, I really appreciate all who have followed and supported me.

It's time to move on............or is it run on and brew on?


  1. well...I went through the feeling like blogging was bragging too...but it is such a great training journal for me. I turned off comments because there were too much spammers, and I will keep blogging for me.

    Great seeing you and running with you last night. I will look forward to next week. (BTW - basketball was awesome, I played really well and the running was good...I sprinted harder than anyone and had no issues.)

  2. Thanks for the closure I think a lot of people were wondering, here's to health, beer and miles in the future!
